Welcome to Wonderful World of Rats

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Welcome to my newest blog.

For the debut of my new blog i am using the Ratatouille template. This template is only for the debut, the first few weeks and than it will be changed to the template i use for all my blogs. I thought for the debut of my WWR blog that this would be the most appropriate template, don't you agree?

So, what is Wonderful World of Rats?? Well, it is exactly like my other blog "Wonderful World of Animals" only this blog focuses only on rats. Yes, obviously... if you don't know already... i love rats.

What will be on WWR? Well... great rat pics firstly and all rat-related things.. such as ineresting articles for the rat lover. Anything and everything Rats.

I will also be having guest bloggers from the various rat groups i belong to.

There is so much to come here at WWR (the sister forum of WWA). I plan to do a lot of things with this blog.

I hope you enjoy it is as much as i enjoy it. If you have any idea's, comments or questions... please feel free to leave me a comment.

And coming soon to my Blog arena-- "The official Nubby blog"

Please check back often for like my other blog this blog will be updated daily, probably a few times a day.. as time allows and with all the great stuff i can find online.

Take care and enjoy!
