Physiological Facts.

8:11 PM Posted In Edit This
I got this from the AFRMA (

Average life span 1000 days (2-3 years)
Body Length 9-11
Tail length in inches 7-9
Weight in ounces 10-19
Temperature 99.5-100.8
Respiratory rate Average 100/minute
Heart Rate Average 375/Minute
Amount food eaten 15-20 grams
Water consumption 1 Oz (although I've heard it is 2 Oz)
Fecal output 10-13 grams
urine output 11-15 mil
Adult males weight 450-650 grams
Adult female weight 350-450 grams
Ideal room temp 65-70 F
Ideal room humidity 45-65%
Cage cleaning Twice weekly (although this varies depending
on how many rats are in a cage
Keep males together Yes (however... occasionally you'll get a few males who
don't get along
Males musky odor no (But some males can have a musky odor but it is rare
Good and Water
requirments Always availabe