A little surprise
4:50 PM Posted In Babies , My Rats , Photos Edit This

Look at this little surprise i got. I'm not going to give any excuses... it's just one of my girls thought it would be a good idea to sneak ou of her cage during feeding time. It was a small litter- 3 babies. The other two are Black Berks. I've never had a baby that was a berk with a mark on it's head, usually rats with marks like this are hooded or semi-hooded, capped. Isn't he beautiful. Not sure what I'll name him. I'm thinking of naming him after one of my rainbow bridge boys. A good strong beautiful name but not sure which yet. I just had to share. I was waiting for the babies eyes to open before i shared him with the world. His mother is a black berk, the father is probably Mystic, Brandon.. i can't say 100% sure who the poppa is. Isn't this the most beautiful baby. I've never had one that looked like this. Rebecca